What Can Be Composted

What to Compost in a Backyard Compost Pile
In a backyard compost pile, a variety of organic materials can be composted. This includes kitchen scraps such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, eggshells, and tea bags. Yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves, and small branches can also be composted. Other suitable items include paper towels, cardboard, and plant-based materials like straw and sawdust. It's essential to avoid composting meat, dairy, and oily foods, as well as pet waste and diseased plants.
What to Compost in an Industrial Composting Facility
Industrial composting facilities have the capacity to process a wider range of materials compared to backyard compost piles. In addition to the materials suitable for backyard composting, industrial facilities can compost meat, fish, dairy products, and oily foods. They can also handle compostable plastics, including utensils and packaging, and compostable serviceware like plates and cups. These facilities use controlled processes with higher temperatures that can break down a broader array of organic matter, including materials that may not break down easily in a backyard pile.
By understanding the distinctions between backyard composting and industrial composting, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions about how and where to compost various organic materials, contributing to environmental sustainability.


Why Compost Matters


How To Setup The Best Kitchen Compost System.